We considered the engagement of students to be crucial for facilitating an inclusive environment at our institutions. We viewed the student and staff sections as a united and collaborative organization. We aimed to ensure that students' needs were heard and addressed effectively. To achieve this, we invited students to join our project as co-researchers, including participation in the implementation of the Art Exhibit.
The Art Exhibit resulted from the students' sessions and summer schools. The content of the Art Exhibit reflected students' ideal vision of an inclusive learning environment. Students used storytelling and sharing as their approach, and the creative process involved collaboration and the exchange of ideas among students from all the participating institutions. Students also had the opportunity to invite high school students or members of wider communities to participate and contribute to the project.
The precise format of the exhibit was determined with input from students, while the project team coordinators played a supervisory role.
We launched the exhibit as a digital exhibition on the project website and as a traveling (physical) exhibition in March 2024 in Pilsen, CZ. In the following months, the exhibition was installed in Slovakia and the Netherlands.
The first of the exhibitions took place in Pilsen from March 27 to April 8, 2024. More information was provided here.
For further details, people were encouraged to contact the manager of the Art Exhibit project, Dr. Naomi van Stapele from THUAS.