



12 May 2022 (14:30-17:00 CET) via the ZOOM platform

Languages: Czech, Slovak (English translation available)

Registration for the seminar is free.

Registration via the online form is required to participate.

Are you interested in discovering what is important for students in order to feel the support and interest of teachers and schools in the current situation of the war in Ukraine? What would the current and the new students like to hear from teachers and what is better to avoid?

The online seminar will offer you advice from mental health professionals and the experience of international students with the aim to help you to find a way to have a respectful and positive climate in your classroom.

Information and insights from this event will be also used in the project’s upcoming online course on inclusion in education.


Mgr. Jana Eismanová

She graduated from Charles University in Prague in Psychosocial Studies and later completed psychotherapeutic training in PCA and Gestalt therapy. She currently works as a psychiatric nurse at the Ledovec Mental Health Center and in her practice, she provides individual counseling and group work with people with mental illness and their families.

Doc. MUDr. Jan Vevera, Ph.D.

He graduated from the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague and worked as a postdoctoral student at the University of California at Berkeley in the USA. During his studies, he gained volunteer experience at Mother Teresa Hospital in Kolkata and in 2000 he was the Health Care Coordinator of People in Need in Kosovo. He works at the Psychiatric Clinic of the First Medical Faculty of Charles University, where, in addition to psychiatry, he also teaches medical ethics. Since 2006 he has also been working as the chief psychiatrist of the Czech Army Field Hospital and for a year he worked as a military doctor in Afghanistan. In his scientific work, he focuses on the biological and environmental factors of impulsivity, violence, victimization, and stress.

Mgr. Vladimíra Bezpalcová

Educational consultant working at the Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering and the Secondary Vocational School of Prof. Švejcar in Pilsen.